The City of South Daytona
The City of South Daytona recently turned "green" into gold. The community of 13,000 residents earned the designation as a Green Local Government at the Gold Level from the Florida Green Building Coalition (FGBC).
South Daytona is the first city in Northeast Florida to be certified Gold under this program and one of only 13 entities in Florida to receive the Green Government certification.
A FGBC representative presented the designation at the Sept. 8, 2009 City Council meeting.
Mayor Blaine O'Neal said the award demonstrates the city's strong commitment to green initiatives that protect the health, economic viability and growth of the community.
"We are taking a leadership role in creating standards and incentives for a sustainable future," O'Neal said. "The City will also be operating more efficiently, thereby saving tax payers money."
FGBC is a non-profit agency which examines a city's performance and planning in the areas of energy, water, air, land and waste. The Florida League of Cities and the Florida League of Mayors support the program as part of the Mayor's Green City Action Accord adopted in 2007.
The Green Local Government distinction is earned for outstanding environmental stewardship and Gold is the highest level of certification, said Suzanne Cook, FGBC executive director.
"This is important to the quality of life in the community," Cook said. "It's a more sustainable community."
The City utilized the services of A World of Green LLC, a Palm Coast consulting firm, to expedite the process.
Among the programs that helped the City earn the award were its energy conservation methods, use of hybrid vehicles, a comprehensive recycling program and best management practices used for landscaping and irrigation. In July, South Daytona passed an ordinance that provides incentives to promote environmentally-friendly development.